
Sewing Class Teaches Me More Than Stitching

Sewing class

A Winning Journey

On June 17th, I won some pretty fabric in a draw at a sewing class. While this is a great prize, like so many of the things I’ve won, it’s often the journey to winning them which is interesting. The prize itself would not merit a blog post. Thus, I pose this question to you: have you ever really enjoyed something you weren’t that good at? Well, that’s how I feel about sewing. In the last five years or so, I’ve taken some classes. I’ve made some projects on my own; the most ambitious of which was a dress for my niece. These endeavors have had mixed results. However, I continue to keep sewing. Consequently, this is what led me to sign up for a strawberry-themed tea and sewing class on June 17th.

A Strawberry-themed Sewing Class

My best friend joined me for what began as a group of ladies sipping tea and munching on delicious scones around a small table at The Stitchery. This is a new Port Moody business that specializes in sewing classes and renting access to sewing machines. It was all very civilized and relaxing, but I knew what was coming next: a strawberry-themed sewing project. My best friend decided to make a strawberry purse, whereas I chose the strawberry pin cushion. I knew that my level of ambition should be in line with my level of ability!

Slow Progress

Then, I began. As usual, I started with lots of enthusiasm, which quickly devolved into a bit of confusion. I needed to ask for help midway, and at the end when a tiny hole emerged at project end. I was also slow. The senior ladies in the group finished their projects very quickly while we hurried to finished before the next group of people were due to take their places at the machines.

Life-long Learning

So, why do I continue to do this? I think it has a lot to do with who I am. I hate to give in to my own weaknesses. I’m not a hands-on learner, but I want to improve my capabilities. I know I’m not very patient, but I want to be. It’s easy for me to sit in front of a computer screen and write, but I want to be more than a wordsmith. And, hey, five years ago I couldn’t operate a sewing machine or even sew on a button by hand, but now I can. So, I’m not going to give up. I refuse to be discouraged. I’ll give it my best and I’ll be better for it. And also, who doesn’t love a pretty piece of fabric?


By TheMidnightScribbler

I am a writer, editor, and graphic designer. I am currently accepting corporate, non-profit, and private commissions.